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Marrow Of The Spirit is another gem in a years spanning history and highly acclaimed achievement of Portland, Oregon-based band AGALLOCH. A gem, once again with a different cut and a different shine; harsher, darker, with the fierce coldness of black metal, yet sinking deeper into the all embracing warmth and mystery of nature. Four years had to pass till AGALLOCH got ready to release their fourth album, but it seems that the most creative impact was left on the band’s recent trip into the springlike Carpathian Mountains. Nope, I could not resist bothering singer/songwriter John Haughm with a bunch of questions getting a little bit deeper into the mystery that wraps this outstanding band…

Dajana: Hi John, it’s great to have you back for an interview :) Seems like we are riding under the sign of the magical 4 ;) Four years have passed since we last sat down for an interview. Four years it took to release the fourth album Marrow The Spirit. Is the numerology a topic for you? ;)
No, not really. It has just been a coincidence. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Dajana: Four years in which so many things have happened and so many things have changed. How are you doing these days? And what were the most remarkable moments during the last four years?
I feel much better than I did four years ago. I think I am in a better place in life; I feel much more accomplished and inspired to do more. Four years ago I think I was ready to give up on the band if we didn't change the course we were heading. Eventually we did - we left The End Records, we released one of my personal favorites; The White EP, we played some amazing shows and tours, we signed on with a great new label - Profound Lore Records, and recorded a new album with a completely different approach than our last few albums. We have certainly started a new era for the band. That wooden LP box-set is symbolic of this. Closing the lid on that box is like closing the coffin lid of our first 10 years as a band.

Dajana: Ok, let’s talk about your brand new record Marrow The Spirit. Listen to it first time it appears to have a completely different approach, which might be not the case. But I can imagine that many fans and critics were surprised and did you flood with questions?
Actually it does have a completely different approach - different studio, different producer, different equipment, different recording technique, different attitude with the songwriting...

Dajana: On the other hand… I was tried to ask if you think that Marrow The Spirit is more difficult to access due to its different song structures, its complexity and progressive touch. But Marrow The Spirit so quickly reached high positions in the ranking of various magazines… so I guess there is no need to be afraid and there’s still hope for the common listener ;) Feels good, right? Did you expect this enthusiastic feedback?
We never know what to expect. We just do our thing and try to not care about what the outside world thinks. Since the beginning we have pursued a "love it or hate it" relationship between our music and fans. This has not changed.

Dajana: Marrow The Spirit of course differs, as every other of your records did from the predecessor. I pretty much like the harsher and gruffer approach, the experimental parts, the percussion work and most of all the electronically created atmospheres; I love the sound of Moogs. Who got the idea to use especially these synths?
It was my desire to use some more experimental instruments on the album. I am a big fan of German "kosmische [Music]" (Berlin School of electronic music, Krautrock – Dajana) and I wanted a moment on the album where there was just a spacey Moog drone. By fate our booking agent plays vintage synthesizers and has a small collection of old Moogs so I asked him to collaborate with us.

Dajana: Marrow The Spirit is much more challenging, needs an open minded listen. Why, you think, it is so difficult for many just to take a new record unbiased and to see how it turns out and in what way one gets captivated?
Too many people just compare it with our other albums or other bands. This is really fucking lazy and I wish more people would just listen to the album as it is and not compare it with our last albums. Every album we make is different so they should approach as an individual work.

Dajana: Same with the lyrics. Many people want to have them explained word by word, line by line… to understand what the music is about. Do you think we lost our senses, feelings and emotions in this technologic century to grasp deeper meanings, nuances and all these little details that make life (and music) so wonderful?
Yes, to some degree. I think people have traded patience and the ability to pay attention to something for more than five minutes for instant gratification and an inability to think for themselves. I refuse to explain my lyrics to anyone. They can read them and find their own meaning. Just don't dare ask me to explain them because I will most likely tell you to go fuck off.

Dajana: Since Marrow The Spirit again spreads such an intensive and dense atmosphere, how to bring that on stage? Do you think of stage concepts at all before you start playing live in support of a new record? Wolves In The Throne Room just pops up in mind, who play in totally darkness, except for a few tea candles, or Bohren & The Club Of Gore…
We will do what we usually do and perform in a blanket of fog, with woodsmoke in the air and a back drop of banners. This has always been AGALLOCH's stage aesthetic.

Dajana: By the way… are there already any new tour dates for Europe up the sleeve?
Nope. Nothing thus far.

Dajana: You once said that it would be great to work with Eviga (Dornenreich). Any chance in sight that it will happen in the near future?
I kind of doubt it but who knows. He and I did talk about it on the bus while heading from Prague to Berlin.

Dajana: You already did a split with Nest. Is there maybe any other collaboration planned?
We are actually planning to do another split 10", similar to what the AGALLOCH/Nest split was. We had started a nice collaboration with Vindensång last year which resulted in one song. That song was originally going to be released on the Whom The Moon A Nightsong Sings (most recent compilation of Prophecy Production – Dajana) compilation but we withdrew the song at the last minute. We would like to rework that song and make another one together and then release them as a limited 10". I guess we'll see what happens...

Dajana: The booklet photo of you… is that Stonehenge? I guess one of the most magical places in the world…
It is a tribute to Stonehenge that stands tall in the plains of the Columbia River Gorge. The monument is across the river in Washington State. The monument and the area it is in have a tremendous spiritual atmosphere that I cannot explain. This atmosphere was captured particularly well in the photo of me inside US edition of Marrow Of The Spirit.

Dajana: I saw that you wrote all lyrics in the Carpathian Mountains in March 2010, when AGALLOCH had a stop there for two gigs (festivals if I’m right). This area and its nature must have left an extraordinary impact on you that you were so brimming of lyrical creativity. I so far crossed the Carpathian Mountains only once but was deeply touched back in the time. Is such short period of time to write the lyrics something that happens often to you? Do you just need a special impulse, a spark and then it’s flowing?
Usually I take forever to write lyrics. On this album, I wanted to capitalize on the opportunity of writing them in the Carpathians and see what the result would be. For that extra week I would write down any epic thought I had or conceptual idea. Then I put everything together while staying in a hotel on the mountain. It was an awesome spiritual experience to be there, at the summit, in Romania... quite inspiring to say the least.

Dajana: Viva Hate Records has released this awesome wooden AGALLOCH box, which quickly sold out and also has a ltd. version of the new album out. Is that the way these days to gain somewhat of a commercial success regarding sold CD entities and to regain a bit of the ground the downloading era killed?
No. As a designer, I have many ideas on how to present our work. I cannot simply make one version of an AGALLOCH album and be satisfied. This is why our LP editions have differed visually from the CDs. For Marrow Of The Spirit there is a digipack, a jewelcase (with thicker booklet and different band photos), and the black jewelcase "German edition". There will be an LP version and a US tour edition. Honestly, this has more to do with my personal artistic vanity than any sort of commercial tactic.

Dajana: Ok, I’m at the end of my questionnaire. I hope to see you back soon over here in Europe for shows and/or festivals. Have a great time so far and thanks a lot for taking time answering these questions :)
Thanks for the interview again. I'm sure you will see us back in Europe eventually.
Dajana: Yes, for sure ;)


12/2010 © Dajana Winkel • Agalloch