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Nun ja, nur ein knappes Jahr nach Insineratehymn werfen DEICIDE ungewohnter Weise ihr neues Album In Torment In Hell auf den Markt. Da man auch sonst nicht viel von den Hobbysatanisten hört ( mal abgesehen von diversen gehypten Schlagzeilen ), war die Idee zumindest nicht schlecht, dem Meister der Kreuzeumdreher Glen Benton mal mit ein paar Fragen auf die fegefeuergereinigte Pelle zu rücken... mit durchschlagendem Erfolg! Das Interview muß man nicht einmal übersetzen *lol*


You got it ? Nothing more to say about it I guess. Read and enjoy!!!

Dajana: Why this hurry to release a new album so shortly after Insineratehymn ( aside from the current delay because of distributor change ). Are you in such a highly creative phase?
Glen: To get off Roadrunner.

Dajana: Is In Torment In Hell now the last album for Roadrunner Records? If yes, what about your musical future? Will you sign to a new label or will you try to take charge of the things by yourself?
Glen: We will entertain all offers.

Dajana: Your new album has a running time of just 31 minutes ( as usual ). For my taste it is too short. Was there not a possibility to paste one another song on this masterpiece (or 2)?
Glen: Why? to make you happy... R/R get what we have to give them, and that's all we give.

Dajana: What about an In Torment In Hell tour? Will you come back to Europe again? When and where?
Glen: Maybe ?

Dajana: In Torment In Hell has a cosy rehearsal-room-atmosphere. On your website it reads that it was your intention to get this kind of atmosphere. For that, you have booked the smallest Morrisound Studio ( and nailed down that piece in 5 days ). Really your intention or more just a means to an end because of the 5 days recording time?
We do what we have to do and that's it, why waste time and money...

Dajana: But still the sound is pretty cool ( ok, a bit I miss the power ) and kicks ass ... seems, you had have a lot of fun during the recordings?
Remark: some european Black Metal bands did the same on their last releases to sound more like underground and ... whatever. Is that a new trend now ? (DEICIDE as trendsetter in matter of production for blacky copycats ?... sounds funny *lol* )
Glen: ya... ha ha ha...

Dajana: In the meantime you have more than 12 years on the hump and your seventh regular studio album is ready to get the people bashed. You are pretty well-known and nearly legendary. Did you ever expect that in this way about the years and band history?
Glen: Whatever...

Dajana: There were loads of troubles in the past. Are the things going better now? Do you still get death- and bomb threats? Some of you are family men now. Are you ever worried about your kids?
Glen: Touch our children and die...

Dajana: Once I have read, according to your own prediction that you would be dead at the age of 33. How old are you now? And you still look and act pretty alive... *lol* ... or dead and back from the hell?
I was born dead... (he's not alone then *lol* - Cal)

Dajana: There are not many interviews with Deicide. Why is that? Are you scaring the journalists/writers (tell me how, please)? Or is it more that you don't have time or don't like to do interviews?
Roadrunner don't push the band like they use to which means less interviews set up by them.

Dajana: Also in general there is not that much to hear and to read about the band ( at least not in German Metal Mags ). You get ignored?

Dajana: Once a writer has said: "Deicide are doing a fucking great music, but Glen Benton is an asshole and I won't do any interview with him anymore... etc" Do you take something like that hard? According to various interviews in the past, sometimes you are reacting pretty... um... harsh. But I never have read, that you insulted or attackted anyone at all. Are you more the "hard shell, soft core" - type? Do you feel sometimes misunderstood and unrecognized?
I get stupid questions and I give the truth.

Dajana: I know you don't like the term "Death Metal" and you even don't count your music to this genre. But still you are quasi one of the founders of this scene and as I already mentioned above, you are nearly legendary. How to wriggle out of it now? Even on your website it is said, that Deicide is the best Death Metal band ever...
... (Fart noise)

Dajana: What do you think about the metal scene nowadays?
I think the toilet is full.

Dajana: A lot of bands use all that stuff around Satan and his cults for shockmoments in music, lyrics and performances, without ever dealing with that subject seriously. Does it make you mad or don't you care?
I think Satan is great in any form, fuck them, he who use and abuse.

Dajana: Can you cook? If yes, what is your favourite dish and for whom you like to cook?
I like fish, the tasty dish...

Dajana: How often did christians bite your ass actually?
All the time, infact I got one nawing on my ass lips right now...

Dajana: Do you still scare people on internet, especially in chatrooms? Are you often in your own chatroom? ( it is pretty empty there )
I dont have much time for the net anymore... now that I burn baby's full time...

Dajana: Is your son an accomplished musician now ( does he still play drums) ? Does it make you proud to see that he walks on musical ways as well?
My son's will do whatever makes them happy and I'll be behind the both of them, in whatever they do.

Dajana: Your favourite beer/drink ?
Jack Daniels and Heineken
Last show you have visited (don't mean your own ones)? Ozz Fest
The last album you have bought ?
John Lee Hooker
Your favourite cuddly toy ?
98 Harley Davidson Fatboy
Your current favourite movie ?
don't have one
Your favourite website ?

Dajana: Last words ?
(please not "bite my ass..." *lol*)
Glen: Eat beans there good for your heart, the more you eat the more you fart, the more you fart the better you'll feel... so eat beans with every meal.


08/2001 © Dajana Winkel • Deicide