many times have we heard the same story…? the Satan-praising
sons of bitches that turn out to be pussies or mere poseurs,
obsessed with the aesthetics and cliché’s of a
music genre that a lot of people claim to be as dead as faith
in humanity itself??
SARKOM from Norway are a band that pay no attention
to the trends, and in their own have created a ground-breaking
1st release, entitled Aggravation Of Mind that
really makes you wonder if you’ve been ripped-off for
the last 4 of 5 years with watered-down so-called BM.
Now, Mayolo aka Terrorbiozer faces the crude answers of Sagstad,
in a brief but revealing interview.
Aggravation Of Mind was a killer first release in my
opinion, I had the chance to review it and it really kicked
my ass. Now, did you have any kind of particular intentions
or parameters to match for this 1st release?
Sagstad: No, not at all.
The Black Metal scene has never been easy as some people think
how was the process of creation and growth of SARKOM as a band?
Sagstad: SARKOM has been like a “studio-project”
until recently. We recorded a demo in 2004 and spent the next
year making songs for Aggravation Of Mind.
We did all of this in the studio and did not rehears at all.
But we now have intentions of completing the line-up and start
doing some gigs.
Many new bands with 1st releases suffer of severe and sometimes
even bad-intentioned criticism, regarding the using (or better
said) or abusing of their influences, have you experienced any
of this with Aggravation Of Mind?
Sagstad: Not that I am aware of…
Do you have a specific way to develop and compose your songs?
Are they planned? How is the SARKOM factory producing their
Sagstad: Every single note on Aggravation
Of Mind is thoroughly planned. Nothing is done
by accident. The music is developed and composed by Renton and
Unsgaard. Regarding the artwork, we asked an acquaintance of
Unsgaard to help us out, which he did. I think the result enhances
the overall feeling of the album.
What are the main themes that inspire SARKOMs music, and what’s
your perspective on the current trends of the Black Metal movement,
regarding lyrics?
Sagstad: I think Unsgaard can answer on that: I think
we’re most inspired by black metal in genereral, and not
by specific bands... About the current trends of black metal
regarding lyrics, I don’t know… Actually, I almost
never read the lyrics, black metal or not…
What’s the main force behind SARKOM’s power?
Sagstad: To be honest, I have no idea…
Do you have any touring plans for this year?
Sagstad: No, at the moment we only have one gig planned,
which is at Barther metal fest in Germany.
If you could play in a particular place, name it country or
festival or whatever, where would it be?
Sagstad: My big dream is to play at “REMA 1000”
at Pilestredet Park here in Oslo. But frankly, I don’t
think that’s ever going to happen so I would say a tour
in Japan would be awesome, since I am really fascinated by their
culture and their women.
Most bands befriend other bands and musicians, and sometimes
they even end up joining forces participate with each other
or even to create new side-projects.
Sagstad: Ok? Cool.
Any of the members of SARKOM have any plans involving musicians
from other bands? What’s the number one priority for SARKOM
right now?
Sagstad: Well, both Renton and I are involved in numerous
other projects, but there are no reasons in mentioning them.
Number one priority for SARKOM at the moment
is to prepare for live gigs and make new songs to the next album.
Have you started composing material for a future release? And
if so, what are the differences between the new stuff and the
old stuff?
Sagstad: We have a couple of riffs here and there,
but it is too early to see where we are going musically compared
to Aggravation Of Mind.
What’s your opinion on those bands that praise the “old-school”
of Black Metal without actually reflecting it in any sense?
Sagstad: Couldn’t care less…
As musicians, you are exposed to some technical (sound engineering)
problems from time to time when playing live. So far, have you
had any kind of problems of this nature?
Sagstad: Since we haven’t played live with SARKOM
yet, we haven’t encountered this problem. But yeah, I
have been exposed to that problem several times with other bands
I am playing in.
Speaking of sound engineering, but changing the subject a bit
as well, are you completely satisfied with the results in Aggravation
Of Mind? Is there anything in the sound production you
would change now if you could?
Sagstad: No, we are really satisfied with the result.
Since we did everything ourselves (recording and mixing), we
got the desired sound we though would fit the cold and harsh
music of SARKOM.
What should we expect from SARKOM in the years to come?
Sagstad: Hopefully a new album, and some live gigs
Thanks for the time spent on this interview. Hail SARKOM!