I had the honor to do a SINERGY interview with
Kimberly Goss, but since she lost her voice after the show, she
let Alexi Laiho help her out. Being a huge fan of Alexi, it sure
was a nice surprise and maybe a good timing to ask some things
Hello Kimberly and Alexi, great gig you did tonight. You guys
really got the crowd moving, how are things going on tour?
Kimberly: We've already had great shows on this tour, the
crowd is very much alive. Yesterday Paris was awesome and the
same counts for tonight!
Let me congratulate you with your latest album Suicide By My
Side, what are the responses so far?
Alexi: We had a great response on that album, scored high
rates on a lot of magazines.
Compared to Beware The Heavens, though I like that album;
you sure got more aggressive.
Kimberly: Yeah, actually I don't like that Beware The
Heavens anymore, but live we can't do without it. In the
past it was mainly me, Alexi and our bass player that wrote the
songs. But nowadays everyone contributes to the songs, making
it more intense.
Looking at some of the lyrics and of course the album title Suicide
By My Side, I sense a lot of depression. Are those lyrics
based on your own life? Kimberly: Yes they sure are. After
the second album I was in a black hole, a time everybody meets
sooner or later, didn't had anything to do with the band. I was
never so far to actually commit suicide, I chose to express my
feelings in the lyrics. Anyway I'm over it now.
You sure have heard of the Ozzy Osbourne trial, caused by two
fans that killed themselves after listening to Suicide Solution.
Don't get me wrong, in my opinion an artist can write/sing whatever
he/she wants. But aren't you afraid that some people would get
the wrong idea?
Kimberly: Yes, I sure know the Suicide Solution trial, but
in my opinion that song has nothing to do with making those guys
to kill themselves. We have smart fans and they know how to handle
our songs. I even received some mailings telling me that it actually
helped a lot of people to get through their dark period. So in
a way it even saved lives.
Well that's a good thing! Are there plans to do a videoclip of
the new album?
Kimberly: Well actually we did one, but it sucks! We were
on a tight budget, so it's a low quality home video, that will
probably never get released.
You might add it to your next album as a bonus, it's something
a lot of bands do.
Kimberly: Yeah seems a good idea, if we get it in our budget.
Being on a tight budget, does it mean that you'll be changing
label in the future? I sure am happy with Nuclear Blast for being
on the guestlist tonight and the opportunity to do this interview.
Kimberly: Nuclear Blast sure is a great company and they've
done terrific things for us. But being on a tight budget happens
with lots of bands, not much to do with the record company. So
we're happy where we are.
Maybe a live dvd/cd?
Kimberly: Alexi knows more about that one.
Alexi: Yeah, we've talked to the record company about doing
a live DVD, but nothing decided yet.
Since you're touring right now, will you be appearing this summer
on some festivals?
Kimberly: Well actually we played on some last year, so next
summer it's CHILDREN OF BODOM's turn to play at some festivals.
Yes I've noticed that you hardly play some shows together, what's
the reason for that?
Alexi: Well playing 2 shows/night sucks. If I get on stage
I always give 100% and you just can't do that twice a night. Well
I used to do it in the past, but I still prefer one good show,
so I can relax afterwards. But you can count on COB to play at
some festivals next summer!
And I sure will be there too! I still remind the last COB show
here in the Biebob, with Arch Enemy, Dark Tranquillity and headliner
In Flames. You really ruled! After your show, most of the people
left, because things couldn't get better during In Flames.
Alexi: Weird situation, I actually didn't knew that, but great
to hear we're appreciated here.
By the way, loved your new guitar, another Randy Rhoads but with
cross inlays, reminds me on the signature version of Black Sabbath.
Alexi: Yeah the guitar rules, but it isn't mine, I wish it
would though, but I borrowed it.
So how are things at Children Of Bodom, did you write some new
songs yet.
Alexi: Actually we recorded a new album, that will be mastered
somewhere next week. It will be released in Finland beginning
of January and should be here soon after.
And what's to expect of the new COB album?
Alexi: Well I could say like I do on every album, that it'll
be way heavier than the previous one. But people who heard it
already told me so.
Will there be neoclassical pieces in it, like you did on Hatebreeder?
Alexi: No, I think the classical melodies are a bit vanished.
I never planned to do them on Hatebreeder either,
but they fitted with the songs. Like you noticed, they were missing
on Follow The Reaper and I don't think we'll be
doing them again. But there sure is a lot of keyboard stuff in
it, things we've never done, and a lot of fast licks and guitar
Looking forward to it! Now back to SINERGY. Kimberly, I know you
played in a lot of bands in the past (Therion, Dimmu Borgir, Ancient..)
do you work on other music now, besides SINERGY.
Kimberly: No, I only concentrate on SINERGY,
it's a big responsability already.
Are you able to live out of SINERGY, or do you have a casual job
besides the band.
Kimberly: No, I don't have a casual job, so in a way I can
live out of SINERGY, but have to scrape things
together to get around.
Is Kimberly Goss an artist name, or your real one? Because I found
something interesting on the net about a murdercase in the UK.
Some criminal on parole murdered the plaintiff's wife, named Kimberly
Goss. I actually have the article with me, here you are.
Kimberly: Yeah, I heard something about that, can I keep it?
Anyway, Kimberly Goss is my real name, has nothing to do with
that case, is accidental. But she died in '89 and I seem very
much alive, right! *lol*
Looking at the metal scene, most of my favorite bands come from
up north, do you think Europe has the leading position in metal
music? Because haven't seen a great American release in a whole
Alexi: Yeah I can sure agree on that one!
Kimberly: I think I'm going to kill you both! *lol* (Kimberly
comes from the US - Cal)
Alexi: America is only boys bands and Limp Bizkit, Papa
Roach shit, not much happening over there. And there sure are
a bunch of talented bands in Europe!
As it seems we didn't see 2 women on stage tonight, what happened
with Melanie?
Alexi: Don't look at me, had nothing to do with it, wasn't
there at the moment.
Kimberly: No, but it's something the band needed to do
to guarantee the future of SINERGY. Don't get
me wrong, Melanie sure is a great person, wouldn't want to say
anything bad about her! But playing in SINERGY
wasn't really her style, maybe a bit too technical for her.
She did have some expierences with the Iron Maidens.
Kimberly: Yeah, she sure could play, but still you can't compare
both bands.
So tell me something about your new bassplayer? How did you meet
him, was he a friend?
Alexi: Lauri is a session musician that we used on the previous
tour in Japan. We still were in touch and we managed to get him
in the band now, he sure is a great player.
After loads of line-up changes, do you think you now have the
winning team?
Kimberly: I really hope so, if not the permanent team, it
sure is the most talented SINERGY up to date
right now. You know in a band it's hard to find the right people
and to get them motivated all the time. Like our guitarist Roope,
eventhough he wasn't on the first album, has been a member since
the first gig.
Roope: Yeah, I did the very first SINERGY
show in Japan, was fucking great!
Kimberly: So who'll tell about the future?
I know you did several cover versions in the past like Iron Maiden's
Number Of The Beast and ABBA's Gimme Gimme Gimme. Will you be
doing more of those in the future?
Kimberly: No, don't think we'll be doing some more in the
future, because ours mainly sucked! Musically they're great, but
my voice isn't good on those, I actually never practiced those
songs, would come into the studio and see how things turn out.
Were you asked to do those cover versions or did you come up with
those yourself?
Kimberly: We were asked everytime to do those, actually we
did 5 covers, 2 of them we could decide which song of the artist,
and 3 of them were decided by Nuclear Blast. To be honest I don't
like The Scorpions, but it's something we had to do for the company.
I read something about a show in Finland, with only cover songs.
Alexi: Yeah it's a show just to relax, in our homecountry
with a lot of friends in the audience. Mainly classic metal and
some glamour bands like Bon Jovi.
Did you just say BON JOVI???
Alexi and Kimberly: *lol*, yeah we did!
Well, I'll finish this interview now, so Kimberly can give her
voice some rest, because looking at your schedule, you still have
a long way to go. I sure enjoyed talking to you guys and wish
you the best for the rest of the tour.
Kimberly: Sorry again for my voice, so it was harder to do
this interview.
Hey, no problem, if I were shouting like you on stage tonight
, I would have lost my voice forever!
Alexi: Thanks for the interview dude and take care, we'll
see you on a COB show next summer.
Greetz |