If there's one band on this damn planet, which does for
sure deserve it, if one calls 'em gods, then it is THE CROWN.
"Hell is here" was the album that brought me in touch with these
genius maniacs from Sweden and since "Deathrace King" (no way
that this masterpiece of steel will ever be topped) I am totally
obsessed with them (and of course I am meanwhile owning "Eternal
Death"…). Well the Crown of death got a new album out and so I
thought, I'd try my luck and send some questions to them - you
can read in the following, what came out…
My first and most important question is of course concerning the
recent split with Tomas Lindberg - I am not sure if you want to
talk about it, just could you say some words about how it came
to the split and if you maybe got any idea, who could be the next
singer in THE CROWN?
Saarenpää: A lot of things have to "click" between 5 persons at
the same time. Many things clicked, some didn't so we decided
to part ways, simple as that. We are looking for a new singer
in the band, we haven't found anyone yet. Many people offer their
services, living in other countries, like the US. That makes me
think that people don't know how serious the commitment to the
band is, it's kinda hard to rehearse together 3 times a week if
one has to fly over each and every time.
The next question is connected to the first one and implies what
every THE CROWN Fan on the world (like me) hopes - is there ANY
way, that Johan Lindstrand might come back to the band?
We will do two shows with ol´ Dr Lindstrand, only because the
gigs were booked already and he is a nice guy enough to help old
friends out. Johan is very comfortable with his life, he will
not rejoin THE CROWN. He doesn't want it and we don't want it.
Lets put the focus on your new album now - congratulations, "Crowned
in Terror" will for sure be the best Album 2002 (at least in my
opinion) and I only read positive comments on it in the scene-magazines.
Have there actually been any negative reactions at all?
JS: Thank you very much! I haven't seen any bad reactions so far.
Of course there are people/zines who don't like the new stuff,
we can't satisfy everybody...
Wherefrom do you actually take the inspiration when you are making
songs - as well for the music as for the lyrics?
Dealing with people in our everyday lives is more than enough
a source of inspiration. Bullshit like going to the bank is a
typical thing that makes my blood boil. Good thing that I have
the drumkit to hit on...
Is Magnus really THAT pissed on the whole planet as it seems,
when one reads his (genius) lyrics?
Pretty much, yes. We all are.
One has read many more or less "expert-comments" about the differences
between "Deathrace King" and "Crowned in Terror" - how does the
band itself see it?
I/we think it sounds more "Crown" than ever, faster, more brutal,
more Death Metal. The production is also closer than ever to the
ideal sound, as we see it.
I for myself think, that "Deathrace King" was unbeatable
- it's the best album of the century - at least *grin*...if you're
honest...which one do you like better? Or do you automatically
have to say now, that the latest one is the best one? *grin*
JS: Of course it is a total cliché, but I really think CiT kills
just about everything out there.
M: Is it some kind of trademark of "The Crown" that there is
one totally apocalyptic song on every album ("1999 - Revolution
666" on "Hell is Here", Blitzkrieg Witchcraft on
"Deathrace King", "Death Metal Holocaust"
on "Crowned in Terror")?
It's nothing planned, but this kind of topic is very typical for
Death Metal. And we have our roots in very classic Death Metal,
so the lyrics tend to deal with those veins of topics.
In the middle part of "The Speed of Darkness" one can clearly
hear a part of the Signation of the 80's series "Knight Rider"
- did you actually do that with intent or did it happen by chance?
Well, Magnus did the song, with that riff, unintentionally, and
when we heard it we of course reacted. But it sounds good so we
thought why the Hell not?
If you would get an offer to play a song in any show on TV - would
you do it if they tell you, that you have to do it the playback-way?
JS: It depends very much... If it would be a show with the stage
full of nice chicks, I would even be open for doing a total boy-band
show... Of course we would work hard for getting to play with
a live sound, but if the show's cool, I guess we would do it playback...with
the chicks, of course.
Are there any musicians to whom you look up and say "damn, I want
to be able to play as good as …"?
JS: Lets say that my dream is to wake up one morning, being a
perfect blend between Pete Sandoval of MORBID ANGEL and Tommy
You've recently been on a tour trough the United States - how
did it go? How where the reactions of the audience?
It went very, very well. Reactions were overwhelming, I really
want to go back soon, so I hope we get this singer situation sorted
out ASAP!
Did you have any problems with all that anti-terror-idiocy?
Luckily no.
Talking about tournaments…will there FINALLY be a headliner-tour
trough Europe this year? Do you have any tour-plans at all yet?
JS: As I said, it's all up to how quickly we get this singer thing
What do you think about all this poor Nu-Metal-stuff?
Tomas calls it No-Metal...pretty close to reality... (that's just
what I call it too…note Mephisto)
Are you being interested in the Star Wars movies? If yes - have
you seen the latest one and what do you think about it?
Episode II was much better than I. Darker, nicer. I'm sure it
will be the coolest, because, like Lucas said himself, it has
to be darker, to coincide with the good ol´ Episode IV.
Would you play a gig on some kind of wedding ceremony?
JS: Of course, if the people are right!
So now one of my typical final questions - which invention do
you think should never have been made?
The adjustable wrench. Or the trigger to drums. Even if I use
it live, I hate that brutal honesty of it.
Thanx a lot for answering my questions! Do you have any final
words for our readers…?
Thanx for the interview. People, please keep your fingers crossed
for our hunt after a suitable singer for the band, REALLY need
that touring! Love the French audience, no asskissing, you guys
are pretty much among the most brutal audiences out there!