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Anneke Van Giersbergen - Petter Carlsen

2010-10-09 DE – Bochum - Matrix

No rest for the wicked… New day, another concert ;) I had to re-arrange my plans a little, compressing two weeks of planned gigs to the beginning and the end of the month *laughs* Ok, I would have loved to see tonight’s bands in another surrounding and with better lights but when it comes to ANATHEMA it actually doesn’t matter where to see them ;) Every stage is right! After having experienced an utmost cuddly show last year the Brits enter bigger stages these days, with alternating support bands. And I guess we got the better ones ;) Don’t get me wrong, Long Distance Calling is an awesome band and I love them, but we got ANNEKE VAN GIERSBERGEN and PETTER CARLSEN ;)

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As expected, the Matrix was much crowded what led us to cheat a little bit to slip through the door first for an acceptable place in front of stage. Wasn’t an easy task though, others had the same idea causing almost a run when the doors finally opened. Well then, much Matrix-like it then got really dark, intimate and cuddly warm…

Introduced by Jamie Cavanagh :: PETTER CARLSEN :: got already much applause when entering the stage all alone with his guitar only. He is a Norwegian singer/songwriter and looked at first somehow shy and reserved, but blew the audience away with his performance. You already could feel how everybody of us fell for him ;) With his great and gentle voice he sang such melancholic songs that couldn’t have done any better by Anathema (one of his main influences, no surprise, eh? ;)). First thing that popped up in mind: PETTER would be a perfect duet partner for Vincent Cavanagh, and… as if they have heard that… first Anneke joined in (The Sound Of You And Me), followed by Danny (Even Dead Things Feel Your Love) and Vincent (Pull The Brakes). What a stunning performance! Touching, mesmerizing… yes, pretty much left an impact on me ;) I just can warmly recommend this guy, check him out!
Setlist: You Go Bird, One Of Those Days, The Sound Of You And Me, Even Dead Things Feel Your Love, Pull The Brakes

Seamlessy the show went on with :: ANNEKE VAN GIERSBERGEN :: who was already on stage. First she paid tribute to Petter Carlsen, saying that it is difficult to play after him, but she would give her best. And she did, just way too short. ANNEKE played songs from Agua De Annique, The Gathering, sharing stage again with Petter Carlsen, as well as Danny & Vincent Cavanagh, and an U2 cover version All I Want Is You.
Setlist: Beautiful One, Yalin, Sunny Side Up, Locked Away, All I Want Is You (U2 Cover), My Electricity

:: ANATHEMA :: needed a bit more time for the change-over but then pleased the fans with a two hours running show. „It’s going to be a long night“ (said Vincent) Yep, indeed ;) The first bunch of songs came from the most recent album We're Here Because We're Here, before the Brits invited us on a journey backwards through the entire history… um… stop… till the 1998 effort Alternative 4.
Atmosphere was awesome, although it was noticeable that the older songs were still better received than the newer ones. It’s always the same old story… ;)
Anyway, ANATHEMA used to joke and fool around again, making musicians, staff and crowd laughing and of course, Petter Carlsen was not to be missed too, accompanying Vincent on the last encore song Fragile Dreams ;) I for sure would not wonder if there is a collaboration announced anytime soon ;) Once again an amazing concert. Definitely nothing you should have missed when you are into ANATHEMA. You can never do wrong attending a show of them :) That’s it!
Setlist: Thin Air, Summernight Horizon, Dreaming Light, Everything, Balance, Closer, A Natural Disaster, Angels Walk Among Us, Presence, A Simple Mistake, Deep, Pitiless, Forgotten Hopes, Destiny Is Dead, Shroud Of False, Lost Control, Destiny, Empty, Panic, Temporary Peace, Flying, Universal, Hindsight, Are You There? // One Last Goodbye, Fragile Dreams


story & pics © Dajana