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2024-08-08-10 DE – Schlotheim - Flugplatz Obermehler

3-Days-Festivalpass incl. Camping for 135,70 Euro

3-Days-Festivalpass incl. Camping + DVD/Shirt: 139,99 Euro

Day-Tickets: 80 Euro

8/8 • Mainstage • Abbath - Terrorizer - Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult - Left To Die - The Black Dahlia Murder - Sadus - Vltimas - Eternal Champion - Sinister - Bastard Grave
8/8 • Tentstage • Schammasch - Ritual Death - Mephorash - Rope Sect - Imha Tarikat - Wilt - Horresque

8/9 • Mainstage • Behemoth - Sólstafir - Батюшка - Incantation - Kraanium - Bewitched - Sacramentum - Afsky - Enthroned - Obscurity - Stillbirth
8/9 • Tentstage • Konvent - Non Est Deus - Varathron - NervoChaos - Los Males Del Mundo - Vorga - Cloak

8/10 • Mainstage • Sodom - Paradise Lost - Anaal Nathrakh - Legion Of The Damned - Obscura - Sulphur Aeon - Unto Others - Hate - Ultha - Necrot - Regarde Les Hommes Tomber - Ulthar
8/10 • Tentstage • Akhlys - Hellripper - Heretoir - Disentomb - Alkaloid - Phantom Winter - Malphas - Blood Fire Death - Iron Walrus

[Dajana] Finally, finally the time has come again. I could hardly wait to get in the car and to dash off to Schlotheim. The current year is very stressful due to a new job and therefore currently very poor in concerts and festivals. I urgently needed a change of scenery...
And with this year's line-up, the drooling already started at the last PARTY SAN METAL OPEN AIR ;) So, it will happen again. Take a look at the billing for 2025 in the summary... *slobber mode on*

[BRT] Ditto. Already days beforehand I'm terribly jittery and excited. As always, when our favorite festival is coming up. This time I was a bit groggy, which turned out to be a solid bronchitis afterwards. I've rarely drunk so little beer, to say the least. No matter. Let’s get out, let’s rock. That’s three days of a state of emergency for body and soul...

[Seb] For many, many years, the PSOA has been one of the very few events of the year that I wouldn't want to miss under any circumstances, and so this year I had planned my “long” (and yet always far too short) summer vacation around the PSOA and with the festival as the highlight.
The billing was already promising a year ago, with only half of the bands booked, and has continued to improve over the last few months. I was particularly excited about some of the bands booked for the Tent Stage, such as SCHAMMASCH or the Greek VARATHRON. As always, I deliberately didn't get any information about some of the bands I wasn't yet familiar with so that I could be surprised live and on site.
In addition to the festival itself, the anticipation of the annual meeting with the “tried and tested” camp naturally plays a not insignificant role too - it wasn't wrong that I decided to go camping again last time, despite my ailing bones and stubbornly advancing age. It's just different from having to take the shuttle back from the hotel in the afternoon ;-)

[Öko] I was up for it too! All the travel arrangements were agreed and we hit the highway with great anticipation. The traffic gods were kind to us and so we were already done with all camp matters by 2.30 pm and could turn to more pleasant things (beer). It should not go unmentioned that my camp colleagues and I had already arrived on Wednesday. Many other visitors obviously had the same idea - both VIP camping and the “normal” camping were already well filled. In fact, the main arrival day seemed to have been moved from Thursday to Wednesday. Around 9 pm we made our way to the party tent to start the festival with Cuba Libre and beer.

:: Thursday :: Friday :: Saturday :: Summary :: Impressions ::

[Dajana] The weather promised to be bombastic in the forecast, though, shortly beforehand it changed a little but still showed its best side: mostly sunny, always a little windy, a few clouds and not too hot. There was a brief rain shower on Friday (I guess, the organizers were gasping due to the heavy gusts and scrutinized the forecasts), but it was all over quickly and we were rewarded with a gigantic double rainbow. As expected, the ticket prices went up, as did the food and merchandise prices, but the drinks prices remained stable and the vendors were also reasonably priced.

[BRT] Hmmhh, well... are shirt prices from 25 Euros upwards actually normal by now?

[Dajana] Yes, that's normal now. We discussed that topic in detail at RHF last year. But there's also a more recent interview somewhere with PSOA's Jarne on this topic.

[BRT] There were of course positive, but unfortunately rare exceptions, such as the ULTHA shirt for 20 Euros and especially the VARATHRON shirt for very oldschool-like 15 Euros.

[Öko] Well, Friday was a bit too hot after all. It was due to the intense sunshine. I only say sun index 7 out of 8!

[Dajana] Over the year there were a few line-up changes: Cryptopsy and My Dying Bride had to cancel, VLTIMAS and PARADISE LOST stepped in. And in the last few days before the festival, Broken Hope also had to pull out because drummer Mike's first baby took longer to arrive (in fact, the little boy was born safe and sound on Wednesday - we wish the family all the best ♥). The Dutch death metallers SINISTER were signed as a replacement. My gosh, they're still around?

[Dajana] Before we jump into the fray, a lot of love goes out to Mieze, Jarne, Boy, Erik, Tobi and the entire PARTY SAN METAL OPEN AIR team, to all the many helpers, toilet attendants, paramedics and security who are there for us day and night. It is always a very special pleasure for us to be part of this party ♥♥♥♥

Stories © BRT, Öko, Seb, Dajana • Pics © Dajana & Dajana Winkel • Photography