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2012-05-25-27 DE – Gelsenkirchen - Amphitheater

‘77 - Alpha Tiger - Bolt Thrower - Deathfist - Dr. Living Dead - Girlschool - Graveyard - Hell - High Spirits - Krisiun - Jex Thoth - Magnum - Motorjesus - Portrait - Psychotic Waltz - RAM - Tankard - Turbonegro - Unisonic - Unleashed - W.A.S.P.

[Dajana] Kiddos… how time flies. What once was meant to be an „one-night-stand“ to celebrate the magazine’s 20th anniversary established to one of those festivals and hey presto, now the ROCK HARD FESTIVAL itself celebrates its 10th anniversary. And of course, we join the party too ;)

:: Stories :: Friday :: Saturday :: Sunday ::

:: Photos :: Friday :: Saturday :: Sunday :: Fans & Impressions ::

[Psycho] And with the 10th edition of the ROCK HARD FESTIVAL one alteration follows another…
First there is the band selection. Did the crew so far focus on metal from all genres, they now broaden minds with engaging bands such as TURBONEGRO as headliner for Friday as well as KVELERTAK and MOTORJESUS, bands that don’t have that much to do with (Heavy) Metal anymore. Additionally there was sort of a cover band with ‘77. So we have a billing here with a complete new musical sorting, so to say. Up to now the Friday was the day for the heavier part of the bands, while on both other days styles and genres got mixed. This year it was the Sunday that featured everything melodious (Hard Rock and melodic Metal), while the Saturday was the heavy day and Friday brought us those bands not fitting (stylistically or chronologically) to the other days…
I cannot state that I was 100% happy with this new direction: I of course assume that not only musical taste but the acquisition of new festival attendees. A consideration that at least worked well on Friday (the problem child regarding visitors) as there were many Turbojugend jackets to see around.

[Dajana] Yesss, this year’s festival billing left some room for discussions. I also personally had doubts if the line-up would work out satisfying for the organizers. At the end I learned my lesson of being more open-minded and to take things the way they come ;) Because the lovely Amphitheater was pretty much crowded on all days and I surprisingly discovered the one or the other band for my own ;)
[Psycho] Oh, I agree, as long as other things… um… bands don’t fall short…

[Dajana] Also the lordship beyond the stars loved to see us partying and treated us with pure sun and a cloudless blue sky on all three days. Only the Eastern wind could have blown a little bit stronger through the Amphitheater as the heat was not insignificantly accumulating there ;)

[Dajana] Generally speaking there was not that much to nag about. The missing car park on Friday got more or less compensated. Prizes increased, but that was something I expected. What’s getting cheaper these days? Beer now 3.50 Euro, water 3.50 Euro too… well…
Ok, sound was a big annoyance. Most time sound was pulpy and undifferentiated and sometimes the sound man seemed to be AWOL or sleeping, as it happened that micros were not open and so nothing to hear.

[Psycho] I at least could find out this year how security decided between allowed drinks and not allowed ones. Ok, booze wasn’t allowed. Tetrapack was allowed. And soft plastic bottles. Hard ones (like Coke bottles) however not. Aha…
Despite of the organizers imploring annual plea regarding the garbage situation all food stalls again had no bins, nor have there been any trash bags around. It’s nothing I’d call consequent…
But first I had to arrive at all, what wasn’t that easy on this Friday afternoon…

[Dajana] Last but not least I once again would like to send out a huge THANK YOU to CCS Security for their incredible work and for this great weekend. Guys, you’re just awesome! :)


story © Dajana, Psycho, Sui • pics © Dajana