Daniel: Hello
Johan! How are you doing today???
Johan: Hey Polsi! I’m doing just fine, thank you
Daniel: First
let's talk about ONE MAN ARMY AND THE UNDEAD QUARTET. After the
split of The Crown, when did you get the initial idea of starting
with a new band? Was it hard for you to know, that you will have
to start again as a pure underground band without a label and
less financial support?
Johan: I started thinking about getting a new band together
in the summer of 2004. Well, I don’t think it was that hard
to start over. I see this as a fresh and new beginning and everybody
in the band is very positive towards the future. I think, we will
have a deal in a near future and by putting the demo up for download
was pure genius I think cause you can’t get better promotion
than that if you’re just a demo band.
Daniel: Your
band name is quite uncommon! Is it so long, just to be more noticeable
of does it has a deeper meaning? Or did you choose it maybe to
avoid getting sued by another band with the same name?
Johan: This was actually the first name that came to
my mind when I started the band but I didn’t make it official
until I had gotten into it myself. This is a name that will work
in the long run and I love it. I think it’s unique and won’t
be stopped by anyone. The main reason for having such a long name
is cause I’m kinda into regular rock music as well and a
lot of bands in that scene has a different name for the rhythm
section in the back which I think is pretty cool. So basically
"The undead quartet" plays the songs while I, the "One
Man Army", sings them. But it’s basically just a cool
and different name. Love it or hate it.
Daniel: As
I could see on your website, the line-up finally is complete now.
Could you please give us a short introduction to the new band?
I think there were many applicants who wanted to play in ONE MAN
ARMY. How did you select the musicians?
Johan: Yeah, there were a few of them applying for the
job. Mostly Americans actually but I can’t deal with that
distance, so we focused on Sweden. Valle from Impious is an old
friend of mine and he helped me out with the recording and as
timed passed on he asked me if he could join the band as a bass
player. I hadn’t asked him cause he already had Impious
but I said yes immediately cause I know him as a great friend
and he liked the songs I did. Mikael was also a local guy from
Trollhättan that had played in a tribute band to Metallica
and Valle had seen him in action so we basically tested him on
those six promo songs and they ended up great. The man did awesome
solos. Pekka contacted me after I put the add out on the site.
We started talking more and more and he sent me some songs showing
his skills and it felt right immediately. Pekka also found the
drummer Marek cause they know each other from before. Both great
talented guys.
Daniel: As
we could see on the video presentation downloadable on your website,
you all seem to be quite relaxed guys... How would you describe
the current band-feeling?
Johan: So fuckin’ great!! Since years I didn’t
feel this good about anything. We recently met up here in Trollhättan
as a full band for the first time and it was like everyone was
best friends and had known each other for 20 years. Awesome I
must say.
Daniel: Your
first demo When Hatred Comes To Life was just released
and I think, it's a killer! How were the responses so far?
Johan: Thanks dude!! The response has been incredible.
I mean, I had good feelings about it from the very first start
but this is insane, hehe.
Daniel: In
my opinion the new songs have a strong rocking, thrashing touch,
but combined with heavy Death Metal grooves. How would you describe
your style and what are the main differences to your old band?
Johan: Well, the thing is that people will compare this
with The Crown whatever I do cause I still sing as I did before.
But I will say that the songs I’ve done are more simple,
more heavy and containing more classic heavy metal riffing. I
aim for mid-tempo songs with a lot of catchy vibes in them. But
so far only six songs are done, but riffs are made all the time
in these footsteps. I can’t wait until we get a deal and
can record something real
Daniel: Please
let us know something about the songwriting-process. Who has written
the songs and how long did it take?
Johan: I have done almost everything on the promo. Valle
helped me out with some arrangements as well as some harmonies.
One of the songs called The Sweetness Of Black is mainly
done three years ago, but the rest of them are made since last
Daniel: I assume,
that you wrote the lyrics. As I don't know any of them, could
your describe, what they are all about?
Johan: Mostly about personal things I’ve experienced,
like the first song on the demo called Public Enemy No 1.
It’s about me and the setbacks I’ve had when it comes
to music, but that won’t crush me, only make me stronger.
But mainly I write about the world of today and how it sucks on
a lot of places around the globe. We are constantly living in
fear of being shot or stabbed at the same time war is waiting
around the corner. You can say that we are Gods cattle that he’s
playing with and when he gets bored he just sending us to the
slaughterhouse. That is some of the topics, hehe.
Daniel: Now
let's turn back to the time before ONE MAN ARMY AND THE UNDEAD
QUARTET. For the public the split of The Crown came very surprising
and suddenly without any kind of prehistory. How did you experience
the last days or months with The Crown? Was the split also suddenly
for you or did you already have a kind of notion for a longer
Johan: You know, the last year after Possessed 13 was
recorded and released everybody was positive about it and was
looking forward to go out and play some shows but we had huge
setbacks that year. We started working with asshole promoters
and amateur managements that kinda took away the energy. But,
yes, it was a surprise to split up. I wanted to go on, still fighting.
We could have continued and learned from the business mistakes
we made, still writing good music and hired better people the
next time. But anyone with a brain can understand that the business
part was not the only reason The Crown split up. At the same time
me and Marcus wanted to continue some other people were tired
of this music and wanted to go into another direction. A split
up was unavoidable. At that time I was very disappointed but today
I’m happy cause without the split up the ONE MAN
ARMY wouldn’t exist.
Daniel: Was
it hard for you to draw this conclusion line? What did you do
shortly after the split?
Johan: Of course it was a sad time. The band had been
around for 14 years. But then after some months I started to form
my own band and I’m glad I did. You can’t go on and
thinking about the past all the time. The future has a just as
much to offer.
Daniel: How
can you be sure, that the same shit that happened to The Crown
won't happen to ONE MAN ARMY?
Johan: As I wrote on the earlier question, money was
not the only reason. Musical differences were also a part of the
split up. ONE
will not be struck by that. Even if we don’t get a cent
out of this we will not fall into the abyss. I will have this
band on any level. This is my baby. I formed it. I can control
it not to split up. No musical differences will kill this band.
The day I die is the day this band dies.
Daniel: Now
I would like to discuss some general topics, for example the tragic
death of metal-hero Dimebag Darrell (RIP). How did you react when
you heard about this sad incident and what consequences will this
have for the global metal community in your opinion?
Johan: Yeah, It’s a huge disaster. The man was
a metal icon without doubt even if I didn’t listen to him
that much. Well, I don’t think anything will change cause
assholes are around us everyday and how can you protect yourself
from them? Of course the security was bad that night, but then
again, you don’t think these things happen. Rest in peace
Dimebag! Respect!!!
Daniel: What
do you think about drugs in general and about illegal hard drugs
like heroin ...?
Johan: Who needs them? Not me. I’m quite satisfied
with alcohol, hehe. Cheers!!
Daniel: Ok,
I think I'm through with my questions! Thank you very much for
the interview! Would you like to give our readers one last comment?
Johan: Thanks yourself Polsi. Great interview. Well,
I hope that an album will be recorded soon so I can see you all
on the road later on. If you haven’t checked out my new
band then do it! Cheers!!