the chance to interview none other than Juha-Pekka from CHARON,
I gathered what seemed to be the some current topics that I wanted
to reach some points of interest. Since reviewing CHARON’s
CD I was thrilled listening to the bands current material that
- I am sure - is going to reach a broader horizon of profound
acclaim. CHARON’s latest release entitled
The Dying Daylights has received some high reviews
and has put the mark of the band into the frontline of Finland’s
musical spotlight rankings. The band is embarking upon a new path
that stems from the low points of the band replacing guitarist
Jasse to CHARON being the only band that is needed
to focus the attention to. What makes this album unique, are the
special guest appearances by Angry Patrol (additional backing
vocals on No Saint), Ex-Tarot lead vocalist/bassist for Nightwish/Sinergy
Marco Hietala (backing vocals) and Jenny Heinonen leading her
harmonies to mix. Marco/Jenny performed a related part on the
prior last CHARON albums, Downhearted
and Tearstained. Now letting loose the questions
prepared I unleash Juha-Pekka to give his insight to what makes

So tell me with the current release of new material and touring
to promote it, CHARON seems to be heading into a new path than
previous, was there something different taken into this recording
than the ones of past?
Juha-Pekka: The experience of live shows has colored
our playing and I think it’s the most important thing which
has influenced our recordings also.
The band has toured with Nightwish and Sentenced and played numerous
festivals with Europe. Any touring with new bands at the moment?
Juha-Pekka: Don’t know yet. Hopefully soon. At
the moment we are doing some gigs in Finland but this spring is
still open...
Since the departure of guitarist Jasse, has it been somewhat difficult
to find a replacement for him since he was one of the main founding
members of CHARON?
Juha-Pekka: Not at all! Actually we had Lauri before
Jasse ever left cause we knew what was going to happen. And to
be honest, it’s better this way.
How will this change affect the band since the band has put out
the new material, and tour promoting?
Juha-Pekka: The situation was clear when we were recording
The Dying Daylights so we didn’t
panic. It didn’t affect on anything.
Has there been some difficulties since you were involved with
another musical project (Poisonblack) as well as CHARON?
Juha-Pekka: For me it was difficult to settle things
between PB and CHARON, cause both bands were
touring so there was no time to do anything else. I found myself
in the middle of identity crisis and I decided to flee Poisonblack
to concentrate 100% to CHARON, which is my whole
The album cover concept, what was the idea for that? To me it
seems to be a ghostly like vision on the front of a woman from
a time of past, what inspired that image to be used for The
Dying Daylights?
Juha-Pekka: Travis Smith, (artist creator for cover work
for such bands as Katatonia, Death, Testament, Opeth, and others)
who made the cover, came up with that idea while we had discussed
about the principal ideas what I had in my mind at the first place.
I gave him few lyrics to follow and I think he found something
that I’ve chased also. Ghostly, dreamy atmosphere and something
out of this world...
CHARON seems to be labeled to some as Goth metal music and some
say Melodic Metal Rock, what is your take on that since the band
has no gothic style to current sound on recent release?
Juha-Pekka: The word "gothic" still sounds
weird to me. I don’t know... it’s too difficult to
label your own music and sometimes it’s better to leave
it up to people who know how to do it. Maybe we fit somewhere
in the middle of goth’n roll...
is more like the description of CHARON’s
musical sound. Way to go Juha-Pekka! Now getting ready for the
more serious questions to ask him for his nature is directed to
the interview that he seems to be elusive since that is the essence
of the band.
What are some of CHARON’s influences?
Juha-Pekka: For me some important bands are The Doors,
The Cult, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds but influences itself are
a little bit complicated thing, cause I don’t know how do
they actually effect to our composing work... It’s unconscious
and therefore under control. That’s why the influences are
your own musical history.
Being with Spinefarm Records how has that been since leaving DieHard
Juha-Pekka: It opened totally new doors for us. CHARON
would be training underground without our decision move to the
Bands that you would like to share a tour with?
Juha-Pekka: For ex. Type O, Moonspell (most awesome guys
ever met, that’s why!), The Cult (of course).
held the band in high status for the two singles that were released
from The Dying Daylights hit Finland’s
the top ten coming in at No. 8 was Religious/Delicious and making
its way to the No. 1 spot was In Trust Of No One. CHARON
far exceeds bands of that can only envision their musical talents.
This proves yet again creativity and substance flourishes within
the musical workings of this group as well as members whom see
this vision. Basking in the glory of what is Juha-Pekka reflects
in question.
Finland seems to be a place where talented bands such as The 69
Eyes, Lullacry, Nightwish, Entwine, Sentenced, and others seem
to pave there way for others as influences, it is something of
a trademark in Finland that puts out such artists like yourselves?
Juha-Pekka: I think the main reason for that is Finnish
fans who keep supporting this kind of music even the mainstream
radio stations wouldn’t do that. Finnish radio stations
are full of shit so it’s great to hit number one charts
while they’re playing fucking Timberlake.
Are there other side projects from CHARON that some of the band
members belong to as well?
Juha-Pekka: Nope! I think everyone wants to concentrate
only to CHARON at the moment.
Who does most of the lyric writing for the band?
Juha-Pekka: Me.
If you were not in CHARON, what would you be doing?
Juha-Pekka: I think it would be still something with
music since it’s the only passion for me.
What can one expect when listening to The Dying Daylights?
Juha-Pekka: Chills in a world beyond our touch. Strange
melodies that hits you after hearing them. Timeless metal songs.
Final word thoughts?
Juha-Pekka: From the world you have been but never seen,
we bring you the image to touch and to feel... Thank you very
much! |