First and foremost I was taken back by the fact that I called the UK and was gearing up to chat with Namaste vocalist/guitarist of TWISTED AUTUMN DARKNESS. Something of a title that Peter Steele would call an album or a song too. So I gathered my materials with pen and paper as well as my handy laptop here to unfold the greatest of Autumn mysteries. Rehashing some questions what seemed to take form of it’s own, Namaste seemed to know how to guide the soul to the essence of what makes this interview twisted.

Twisted Autumn Darkness

Jessie: With the band recording in Norwich the studio is set within a graveyard, as far as the enviroment around the site of recording, did it give it an eerie element that added to the feel when recording the album?
Yes, being in a graveyard gave the eerie element that gave the album a sense of something different. It was really cold and pretty eerie. In between tracks we'd have a few beers out in the graveyard. (Namaste laughs as he reflects on the time that was spend on recording) It was perfect for us to record there. Just the vibe itself gave it a sense of the recording a darker feel Even just being at the graveyard that was centuries old it gave it a medieval pagan feel to it.

Jessie: Anything out of the ordinary happened when you were recording there?
No not really.

(I so had to ask that question since the recording took place at a graveyard site, to me I was expecting to hear something out of the norm happened … but I guess not! :(

Jessie: I heard that Metal Hammer gave the album a great review for Destroy The Bastard And Trinity, what was your reaction to know that the band did well in reviewing for album? (In deep thought Namaste pounders what to say as I am sure that he has a smile on his face due to the acclaimed review from such a high source from Metal Hammer)
We thought that we got a bad review since there have been others that have given TAD, some reviews that were not good. So to say here we were spending money and time into the album getting it out there the best we can. And getting not so good reviews and then MH comes out and gives the band a great review, we were happy to see that.

Jessie: Since the band is writing some new material for a future release for an expect album later this year, anything different to expect from this new material?
More heavier, we got 4 new songs that we are working on redoing some of the vocals. Sound is melodic, more Goth, more melody this time yet more progressive. You see, band knows each others work and we all have different stuff that we bring into play when recording. Each member for example Sathon’s (drums) way he is black metal and Aeon (guitar) has his. We don’t want sound/write material in one particular way. We keep away from others styles, being original to what is.

Jessie: Has band toured with any other acts?
Not yet. But we would to play with Emperor. Dimmu Borgir, DarkThrone, Mayhem as well as others. Morbid Angel and Deicide would be great!

Jessie: What are some of the bands influences?
WatchTower, Cynic, Death, Napalm Death, older stuff from Iron Maiden, Megadath, Dead Can Dance. Ah....everything!

Jessie: Describe the band’s sound?
Well it varies, a different mix of being melodic death metal.

Jessie: The band has an unqiue sound not like a Death band. Do you draw on some of the influences that the band has that makes the sound completely unique on its own?
It just comes out to what it is. We try not to copy anybody or a sound. We just do what we feel is right. You see, band has 4 people, different ideas that mix together all 4 of us. We have riffs that we all have written.

Jessie: How long did it take to record Destroy The Bastard And Trinity?
Took about maybe 5 days to record, 2 days to mix it, for we did not want to overdue the vocals. I once did a record that took 8 days 10 hours of doing vocals, doing like the same line 9 or 10 times, then picking the best. The funny thing was, when they mixed the record they used all the original rough vocals, because they had more feel. I hate doing redoing the vocals. I like to get in there and get out. Maybe it's because of that experience why I'm like that, but I know next time round I get to spend more time. I'm getting the right feel and tone, not just screaming my ass off as loud as I can.

Jessie: Music is very deep as well as the lyrical content, who does most of the writing for the band?
Aeon writes most of them, while I write some, it depends.

(Out of curiousity I had to ask the questions to what there names meant. Come on, with names as Sathan and Namaste ... caught the attention of this gal!)

Jessie: What are the meanings of the band member names?
Sathan, is a name from the Satan bible the meaning of one of the devils servants of course, as with Aeon ... that is another name for something. Oskaroit, is sort of a biblical name...something from the bible, and my name Namaste for which it means “I bow to the divine in you”.

Jessie: Where do you see the band in 5 years from now?
Continuing what we are doing and being having a signed deal with a bigger label.

Jessie: If you were taken onto a bigger label who would that be?
Well let’s see, would be good to be picked up by Nuclear Blast, Century Media, any other label would be good for us as long as we don’t have to keep up with paying the money for this album, I used credit cards and both myself and Aeon are in really debt, well Aeon managed to sell his house and he some money left over so he used that, but I'm forever paying off this record.

Jessie: Any plans to play metal fests.
Inferion Metal Fest in Norway. Still waiting for a response, I think that we may have past the deadline for it, but we are still waiting, maybe something can still come up. Would be cool to play the Milwaukee Metal Fest and some others, depends on what we can get into for now. I don't think we are one of these bands that would be on the road for months at a time, I think we'd do a couple of small tours then play a load of festivals. We all have great lives back home, and I think we'd get a bit home sick, I'm the only one single in the band, so I know the guys would miss their girlfriends, and I think I'd miss my local pub (laughs).

Jessie: Thank you Namaste for letting me know what’s up with the band. It was a joy speaking to you ;)

Namaste: Thanks, and again thanks for your continuing support and I promise we will do our best and getting over there and play some shows for you guys really soon. Thanks again Darkest Regards Namaste.


2/2004 © Jessie Gough • Twisted Autumn Darkness