You just came back from South America – How was touring
over there?
René: Great. Weird, weird to play there, because
the people there are really enthusiastic. We also played in big
halls over there – for 1600 people. That´s also in
a way new for us to do. And for example in Chile we played twice
in the same building, so we didn´t have to pack and drive
– that was really nice – and of course it was summer
there. I really wanna go back there next year – and maybe
do more countries there as well.
How do you like the new arrangement of seated concerts?
Rene: I like it very much, it´s totally new for
us – for example in Holland the fans are always talking,
while we are playing - but now they have to shut up, because it´s
seated, and then we get all the attention from the audience –
and they hear and see things they normally wouldn´t hear
because they´re talking. They really concentrate on the
music and that´s good.
How´s touring without Hugo – is it somehow strange
for you? And what about Marjolein, your new bass player?
René: Well, not in a way, because in the last
tour, Hugo´s wife was already pregnant, you know, so he
was more like: “I have to be at home”, and we felt
on the last tour already that he didn´t really like it anymore.
He had a little bit the feeling of “I did it too much”,
you know. And now we have Marjolein, she´s the youngest
one, wild, she never had it before, and she is really interested.
We´re not really missing Hugo - well, of course, we played
with him 14 years, we are missing that, but now it´s also
nice, it´s something new with Marjolein.
I heard that you´re doing a soundtrack now – was it
an idea that came to your mind recently or did you always want
to do a soundtrack?
René: Well, the film is from a Japanese student,
he´s studying on the film academy in Amsterdam and now he´s
doing his last project – a short movie, 25 minutes. It´s
really Japanese, only japanese actors- but it was shot in Amsterdam.
They just came over and said, if we could do that and we said,
well, no problem. So when we´ll have finished this tour
in the beginning of April, we´ll have two weeks off and
then I will go and work with Frank on that movie. It is still
not sure if we´ll only do the sounds or really a song. Maybe
at the end of the movie there´ll be a song underneath, you
know. Well, we´ll have to see and check out.
You also have some very old songs on Sleepy Buildings,
like for example Stonegarden, or The Mirror Waters.
Is ist somehow strange for Anneke to sing songs that aren´t
her own...or did she rewrite some lyrics?
René: No, it isn´t strange for her, she
has no problem with it. She has played in more bands before and
they also did a lot of covers.
What may we expect from the next record?
René: Now we have Marjolein, so it will be a totally
different approach from the bass side. Anneke is also playing
guitar more and more now, so it there will be more guitars on
the album, because whe can do that live as well now.
I have one last question for you: What plans do you have for the
next time except doing the soundtrack?
René: Well, we have some plans about making a
dvd, we want to record a show. But then still we will have to
work with Century Media so we´ll first have to figure out
how that will be. But we want to make it really special, with
lots of cameras also on stage...and also with extras around the
shows. We have someone who´s filming evertyhing, he´s
filming all the time, even if I go to the toilet (haha). We´re
gonna make something like a tour special.
Thanx for the interview.