A traumatic gothic style band, with high emotions and endless talents; no truer words were spoken when they describe MIST OF AVALON. Not so much a typical style of gothic metal, but a well-balanced faculty. Having the chance to review Here And After was a pleasure, and then now receiving the opportunity to interview MIST OF AVALON was taken with great delight, since I myself love their music. With changing from early day punk into an intense gothic style metal, MIST OF AVALON is truly marked as a unique and inspirational band.

The Mist Of Avalon

Stacie: How long has band been together? Are there any recent changes in the band’s line up?
The band has been around since 1995, but with a very different line-up than today. Me was in the original line-up, Erik joined in '96, Malin in '97, Magnus in '98, Joakim in 2001 and Tony in 2002.

Stacie: Since the band has had many to leave and come back to MIST OF AVALON again, was it hard to get going as a band when certain people came in and brought in a new sound?
No problem at all if you ask me. When a new member joins the band, we know that he/she has something they can add to our sound, for the better. So the changes in the bands “sound” never comes as a big surprise. BUT what you can’t know in advance is whether a new member actually fits in with the bands overall mentality rather than the “sound”, but that’s a whole other story….

Stacie: With the current line up do u think the band as a whole make MIST OF AVALON more than what was of the past?
The new line-up makes songs that include more levels and a wider soundscape that what the old songs once possessed. In the beginning with the first couple of records, the listener got a quite narrow path to tread, but now, the music can be interpreted on many more levels I think (jeezz, I'm deep today)

Stacie: How long did it take to record this album?
Hmmm, the 1st album took about 6 weeks, Here And After took us about 8 weeks….

Stacie: How does this album differ from previous MIST OF AVALON albums?
Here And After is more thought-through album. It contains more grief, more aggression and is more of an emotional statement that the older records. Much of witch is a reaction to the death of our guitarist, Sacko.

Stacie: Is there any influence to the sound with this new recording as ones of the past?
Hard to say…I guess we have opened our eyes to what modern technology can bring to the sound. Our producers have been using a lot of samplers and synthesizers this time around, so that obviously brings another dimension to the sound…

Stacie: Any plans to go on tour in the near future? And if so what other bands will you share the bill with?
We hope to go on tour as soon as possible, but for the moment we have just got a couple of stray bookings in Sweden, but no real tour.

Stacie: MIST OF AVALON has a strange eerie feel to that name, who came up with the name?
I guess that had to be one of the elder members of the band, perhaps it was me or Andreas (the old bass player).

Stacie: Is it odd being labeled a melodic band from Sweden when that place is known for extreme death metal?
Well, nowadays I think the extreme has been exchanged for melodic. Everyone plays melodic death metal OR melodic black metal nowadays. Furthermore I don’t think that being called melodic feels odd in any way since we have never intended to be extreme.

Stacie: Seeing that the band is seeking a label, what label would the band like to be signed on?
Any label that promotes us, lets us go on tour and can afford a descent production…..Spread the word !

Stacie: Releasing 2 albums/ 2 EP’s and some compilation CD’s the band seems to keep themselves busy, any side projects for the band?
Well…lets see. Tony plays in a couple of punk bands which I don’t have the name of. And Joakim is the drummer in Skyfire. Other than that…nothing much to mention

Stacie: What are some of your band influences?
In my CD at the moment: Devil Doll, Opeth, Colony 5 and Roky Erickson. Don’t get me started.

Stacie: Any final thoughts or words?
“The one who waits on something good, never waits to long”

Aram Yildiz


3/2004 © Stacie Kirby • The Mist Of Avalon