Bloodliner - Malevolent Creation - Nervecell - Heathen Foray - Tulsadoom - Mortal Strike - Groteskh - Pain Is - An Act Of Treachery
My personal opener is :: GROTESKH :: and the band collects a lot of brownie points with partly quite complex Black Metal. A bunch of fans honor the efforts and get aware of the fine sound, which leaves nothing to be desired because all instruments can be heard clearly.
:: TULSADOOM :: surprise with an impellent and powerful performance, rounded off by proper clothing in felicitous manner. Battlesome songs let crush down The Hammer Of Thorgrim efficiently for half of an hour; in addition, the band does not forget about a pinch of humor.
Afterwards, the mood gets really frolicsome during the concert of :: HEATHEN FORAY :: caused by drinking hymns and many swaying parts, made to fuel the mood to celebrate.
:: NERVECELL :: bring an extreme change of sentiments and due to this fact, I get aware of the huge range Metal has to offer, that’s unbelievable! The group from Dubai acts in all the same tremendous manner like stirred up by hornets: the playfulness and timing are beyond belief and the groove shakes all my neck vertebrae irresistibly. Thereby the rhythms are partly very demanding and complex, but the top-heaviness loses against the groove-hammer, laminating the KOA down to the last blade of grass :) NERVECELL abduct us to Headbanger’s Heaven…
In contrast, mighty :: MALEVOLENT CREATION :: cannot hold the energy level unbrokenly, although the Americans play a very cool set and offer a lot of speed besides some slower interplay. A dignified headliner!