shit! What a package! Three of my favorite bands that couldn’t
be more difficult musically, together on tour, on one stage. Someone
must have heard my prayers. Or so. A triple A evening, no, an
evening of awesomeness. Call me Cheshire Cal from now on ;)
Cologne ::
DISTANCE CALLING it is the first headliner tour, which starts
- of course - in Muenster and is also the record release party
for the band’s new album The Flood Inside.
This show was fucking sold out and I am sure, that will be not
the last one on this 3 weeks running European tour. Guess what.
Yes, one show is of course not enough for me. Can I ever get enough
of these bands? I doubt…
pics ::
Back to LONG
DISTANCE CALLING’s hometown show. It is a Friday evening,
and this day is packed, leaving hardly time to take a breath.
Organized chaos reigns the • Sputnikhalle
•, merch boxes pile up, stage settings and soundcheck
take longer. Unfortunately SÓLSTAFIR arrived with
2 broken guitars, another problem that needed to be solved. Me,
I and myself bustles around, helps a little bit here, does an
interview there and still grins being completely stocked.
The run was
immense. People were still caught in the cold and queuing when
HORNE :: kicked of belated. But once started peeps
rushed in and filled the hall quickly. The Norwegian cats got
in with Redemption Blues, the opener of the band’s
brand new and excellent album Youngblood and played
almost all songs (8 out of 10 to be exactly). All I can say is:
AUDREY HORNE burnt the stage, rocked the house, wracked
and ruined… hahaha. It was a hell of a show. Pure energy.
Pure rock’n’roll. Incredible! Next to the material
AUDREY HORNE also introduced their new bass player Espen
Lien, who adds an extra portion of drive, visually as well as
regarding vocal. Well done! It was obvious that many attendees
didn’t know AUDREY HORNE but were wowed on the spot.
Great show, great kick-off!
Setlist: Redemption Blues, Youngblood, Pretty Little
Sunshine, This Ends Here, There Goes A Lady, The King Is Dead,
Straight Into Your Grave, Blaze Of Ashes
Next up is
:: and thus a complete turn-over musically. Thanks
to Audrey Horne they can use their replacement guitars, they honor
with the second song Svartir Sandar. And again they deliver
one of these magically intensive shows, way too short of course.
Well, I guess I’d nag even if they play a 2 hrs set. A girl
in the front row was swinging an Icelandic flag singer Aðalbjörn
Tryggvason took over for a while.
Setlist: Náttfari Intro, Ljós I Stormi,
Svartir Sandar, Fjára, Goddess Of The Ages
Short break
while it is getting really, really packed and crowded. You stand
were you got stuck. No room to move. ::
DISTANCE CALLING :: get off the grid with Nucleus,
a new track from The Flood Inside and master the
crowd in a twinkling of an eye. The title track introduces new
and permanent singer Martin "Marsen" Fischer who had
sort of a hidden place but never stood still. Another novelty
was the micro on stage for guitarist Florian and bass player Jan
to take a chance for some announcement. Don’t think that
I have seen a micro on stage during their shows in the past? Hmmm…
Anyway, mood is rompish, the response frenetic. When LONG DISTANCE
CALLING finish their first encore and leave the stage they
are already over the time but yet come back for another encore,
the very song LONG DISTANCE CALLING wrote together: Fire
In The Mountain, after a short discussion and a huge chorus
of whistles, while the disco kiddies already pour in. One thing
that still surprises me is the fact how much response and success
surprises the band. I mean, they should be used to it meanwhile,
and though, it seems they still get kicked out of socks, always
Setlist: Waves Intro, Nucleus, The Figrin D'an Boogie,
The Flood Inside, Black Paper Planes, Ductus, Tell The End, Arecibo
(Long Distance Calling), Aurora, The Man Within, Metulsky Curse
Revisited // Apparitions // Fire In The Mountain
the very last song and ends a wonderful concert evening. Fans
overrun the merchandise, while the disco starts with people and
music getting on nerves. But well, that’s something I know
from other clubs after a weekend show too. Money rules the world.
I anyway am much looking forward for the next tour edition in
Cologne :)