Morbid Angel - Ensiferum - 1349 - Belphegor - Melechesh - Primordial
- Absu - Desultory - Skeletonwitch - Urgehal - Truppensturm -
how Dave Vincent might look naked?” -“Like cement.
Stiff!” - Dajana
Party to the full… that’s the way we looked and felt
the next morning *laughs* To pick ourselves up at midday was…
troublesome. The first promise of the day: today we take it much
easier! But hey, we stood in front of stage on time when the first
band entered the stage! The big stage! Crew was working all night
long and in fact managed to fix everything. Stage got approved
by the officials. Otherwise the PARTY SAN OPEN AIR 2011
would have ended here abruptly. That’s for sure. Thank you
guys, you are awesome!!!
[Haris] That was a masterstroke indeed – but still
a pity that the consistently good weather of the previous day
couldn’t be used, since the one or other shower was forecast
for Friday.
[Wiebke] After it took half of the day to look for my mind
and the other half of my circuit I came to life again. Coffee
helped a lot… ;)
pics ::
What, from the name, sounded to me like a band from South American,
was in fact Swedish Death Metal ;) So ::
:: professionally opened the second festival day. Ok,
the infantry was still lame, want to say, most people got their
wake-up call now, from the stage. We made it already in the front
row, but were still tired too. But homey Swedish Death Metal pushed
the caffeine faster through the veins and step by step spirits
got revived ;)
[Wiebke] Sound is still bumpy, bass and drums hum sort
of monotonous in Experience Zombification, while the double
bass in Grave Robber are almost like a punch in the guts.
Damn… I need some food.
[Haris] My Swedish Death Metal fetish was fully pleased
already in these early hours by the congenial guys from Alingsås.
PUTERAEON had their fingers on the pulse of the time with
their debut The Esoteric Order and surprised with
their technical Swedish Death Metal in the same line as Entombed’s
Clandestine. The material superbly worked live, especially as
singer/guitarist Jonas and guitarist Rune let their Boss HM-2
pedal fuzz even more than on the album – an early highlight,
the perfect defloration of the main stage.

I have to admit, :: TRUPPENSTURM
:: is a band that passed me unnoticed so far. But their
logo perfectly suited the motto of PARTY SAN OPEN AIR ;)
Hell Is here! Hell yessss! Hell broke loose when TRUPPENSTURM
kicked of their set. When closing my eyes I had the feeling that
an ICE at full speed was passing me an inch ahead, for the whole
of 45 minutes. Such feeling is awesome when the ICE is called
Hate Eternal. TRUPPENSTURM not even rudimentarily reached
such level intensity and furiousness.
[Wiebke] “Dumb is trump”. That’s at least
my opinion. Nothing special TRUPPENSTURM play here. Movement
to a radius of 0. This Black metal band could have played in the

In comparison :: URGEHAL
:: already appear somewhat of melodic ;) The dudes
look fit and fronter Nefas, once again a bit more corpulent, is
in good voice. Bassist Mannevond animates fans unremittingly.
There is actually no need for, the crowd is already taken. During
their set URGEHAL not only Hail Satan, they also
Die For Satan ;)
Hehehe… I was curious too. Last URGEHAL shows I have
seen have been… well… anything else than good, mainly
due to the band’s level of alcohol when they entered stages.
Today, they just have been great.
[Haris] Well… I can share this with some reservations
only – solely bassist Mannevond moved a lot on stage and
tried to carry the audience. Singer Trondr Nefas (who already
has a neat belly) was stuck to his microphone and Mr. Pinhead
himself, Enzifer, obviously seemed not to have that much fun being
“forced” to perform the sinister, cold Black Metal
of the Norwegians in the daylight. The ingeniously interpreted
black cover version of the Autopsy-classic Twisted Mass Of
Burnt Decay was the only highlight for me – thumbs up
for that.

:: are a guarantee for asskicking shows I already knew
and experienced. So I was in front of stage on time, and yes,
the US thashers lived up to my expectations and delivered once
again a highly energetic and powerful Death/Thrash/Black Metal
show. Another band with a brand new album. But Europeans have
still to wait a little, Forever Abomination will
be released on October 7. To make our mouths watering to brand
new songs were played with Reduced To The Failure Of Prayer
and Choke Upon Betrayal.

Next up was :: DESULTORY
:: and these guys had a bad hair day, because right
at the beginning of their show Ba’al opened his gates and
it was raining cats and dogs.
[Haris] Oh yes, and it rained almost the whole set. The
whiff of optimism faded at the latest at the gig of the Swedes
– because I didn’t reckon that it would rain so massively
and thus being clothed pretty summery on the one hand and on the
other hand, the sound man just seemed to sleep during DESULTORY,
one of my youth heroes, and tuned down the volume of the lead
guitar. Which meant that you couldn’t know the promise of
the genius hook lines, which lead guitarist Håkan knocked
out – one of the band’s trade marks. Besides that,
singer/guitarist Klas had technical problems, which led to playing
the one or another bum note. The choice of songs was good-class,
but the mentioned surrounding circumstances unfortunately lead
to no other conclusion than speaking of the (personally) first
disappointment of the PSOA 2011, and that in spite of pearls
like Life Shatters or In A Cage. Bummer!

Another band followed that downright has blown me away ::
:: I never saw them live so far. Drummer Proscriptor
McGovern delivered such crazy sing-jump-drum-playing-performance
I cannot really describe. Total madness. This man is insane. And,
by the way, totally brilliant. After the self-titled fifth album
last year a new one is announced: Abzu (how inventive
*lol*) is set to be released in October too. Great music, great
show, great mood!
[Wiebke] ABSU is a band you have to get into. So
close your eyes and open up your ears and you will be rewarded
with an extraordinary intensive, technically perfect, extreme
metal. Each of these three musicians is a virtuoso. But how the
drummer makes it to sing that way while going wild behind his
kit, I have no clue…

:: have played their best live show ever so far at
Rock Hard Festival the bar was raised high. With 45 minutes playing
time not soooo many songs could have been played, but nevertheless
Alan did his best from the very beginning. His singing was not
that clean but convincing. His charisma makes his mates to extras.
Unfortunately. At Bloodied Yet Undied his micro runs down,
for a moment, but Alan was nonchalant and charming covering up.
It luckily was the only malfunction. At the end a great show but
not one of these outstanding ones.

I was much looking forward to ::
:: Long, long time I have not seen them playing live.
They were one of a few faves on my festival list. And I give a
fucking shit on Nile vs. MELECHESH comparisons. I like
MELECHESH’s sound, their riffing, their rhythms and
the oriental sounds in between and… anyway, great show!
[Wiebke] MELECHESH needed approx. 5 seconds to get
the crowd under their spell. Ashmedi on stage has a monstrous
charisma. MELECHESH sound best when they slow down a little
and lead over to the oriental tunes. Unbelievably - intensive
- impressing.

Ahem… well… :: BELPHEGOR
:: I don’t like them. Low class, embarrassing,
stereotype and overrated, added by Helmuth’s senseless announcements.
First band with pyros and those got let off amateurish, uninspired
and uncoordinated with the music. Promised “blood show”
did not take place either, there have just been the usual bowels
on the micro and an extra embarrassing… erm… dancer…
at the end of the show. Totally dispensable.

Again a band that could fully convince ::
:: Generally speaking PARTY SAN OPEN AIR 2011
was the festival of black metal bands. All of them just great
during the entire festival.
[Haris] Definitely! The Norwegians seized the opportunity
of their slot position and had one of most intense light shows
of all the festivals and Frost or not – the guy is a perfectionist
and you hear that in his play and in his drum sound. The sound
of the snare drum was almost orgasmic! Singer Ravn posed perfectly
while the guitarists played their stuff tight throughout the set.
The highlight: the absolutely godlike Serpentine Sibilance
from the underrated 2009 album Revelations Of The Black
[Wiebke] Yes, I was surprised by 1349 too. What
tight, powerful and rocking performance! Those who think Black
Metal can’t kick ass never experienced the Norse men in
their top form. So it’s only worth one teardrop that Frost
does not sit behind the drum kit.

*yawns* :: ENSIFERUM
:: …Viking/Folk Metal. Can’t stand it anymore.
Aside a very few exceptions. Experienced show, an audience that
freaks out, nothing new.

The new album is really, really terrible. But live… ::
ANGEL :: could still make it, if they play old
songs, so I thought anyway. As if they have heard me thinking…
*laughs* And… did you ever realize what great voice David
Vincent has??? Just…. huuuuuuh HOT! There have not been
less girls getting weak. Furthermore he cut out his senseless
talking, just a breathtaking show full of classics and only 3
new tracks. Ok, I had 2. 3 more songs on my fave setlist, but
hey, you can’t have it all, right? What I definitely did
not like was the fact that only David had a spot and the rest
of the band stood in pure darkness. Oh, and yes, the rain…
There was no need for.
[Haris] Starting the set with the openers of my two favorites
from MORBID ANGEL was fantastic – but the rain foiled
me once again and made us watch the gig from the Rock Hard tent,
alternately gaping to the stage and spying Götz handling
with his mobile phone.
Setlist: Immortal Rites, Fall From Grace, Rapture, Maze
Of Torment, Existo Vulgoré, Nevermore, I Am Morbid, Angel
Of Disease, Chapel Of Ghouls, Where The Slime Live, God Of Emptiness,
World Of Shit (The Promised Land)

As promised, it was a quiet day, regarding our party activities
;) Weather gave us the rest and brought us early into the sleeping