The busy Hessians MELANCHOLIC SEASONS reprocess their demos with great attention to detail: I like the coherent overall work, which already starts with the detailed cover. Here we find symbols for each song like on a search picture and thus a strong interaction between music as well as visual design. Additionally, the day of the release is not chosen by chance, because on March 31st 1995 the band played their first concert.
The compositions have been left in their original chronological order and have been enhanced and restored by all kinds of harmonies or small details, just like a building in whose basic substance stuccoes, cornices or ornaments have been added to increase the effect.
So let's plunge into the melancholic, relaxed gliding sounds of the musical journey through time. Dark growls and gripping riffs drive the music forward and attach a dark, mystical aura, the integrated guitar motifs provide harmonic background and contrast the dry rocking basic framework. Unobtrusive beat changes animate to bob along and enjoy listening at the same time - a good mixture of easily digestible catchiness and demanding playfulness. Discreet symphonic echoes and gently interwoven climaxes dynamize catchy and equally profound pieces like Autumnsphere. The tempo is skillfully varied and doomy heaviness is placed next to edgy riff violence. Rhythm-focused songs rather put tempo variations in the foreground, striking choruses or catchy tunes are not so important to the musicians, they rather focus on demanding opulence and thus long-term effect. Many fine guitar harmonies caress the harmony-addicted mind of the metal head, whereas the driving drum rhythms get the neck muscles moving. There is not even necessarily a voice needed, as in the strong instrumental In My Eyes, which pulsates organically and plays wonderful guitars in the backhand as a trump card. Heavy gloomy and whipping, the following, stomping headbanger Agoraphobie tilts the mood towards fist raising in the mosh pit. This is sure to be tremendously good live! Staccato riffing and cool grooves get every metal party going - but this is not a swaying sound, but honest, down-to-earth metal with pizzazz and a lot of attention to detail! The fine earworm Drowned In Tears, like the other songs of the EP In My Eyes (2000), relies heavily on gripping hooks and also choruses; I Am The Evil is called another bull's eye, the partly blasting Frozen Lyrics scores with dystopian nuances and hard-hitting vehemence. The calm opening notes of the steadily swelling groover Just A Fuckin' Lullaby are just right, the epic orientation pleases excellently and shows another facet of the band. The live encore Sieben Tage Lang (originally by the Bots) provides a winking, wonderfully indulgent finale.
Melody and strictly forward, exploding dynamics intuitively balance each other on this rich work and certify MELANCHOLIC SEASONS great composing skills in the early stages of their career, which will hopefully bring us many more dark rocking songs!