2022-08-13 DE – Schlotheim - Flugplatz Obermehler





Dismember - Benediction - Dark Funeral - Blood Incantation - Månegarm - Fleshcrawl - Saor - Nunslaughter - Panzerfaust - Purgatory - Slaughterday - Shape Of Despair - Cytotoxin - Eis - Path Of Destiny - Scalpture - Lunar Shadow - Bösedeath - Caroozer - Motorowl


God Is Not Here Tonight [Dark Funeral]

[Dajana] Last festival day already. It’s crazy how fast time flies when you are at such event. Thunderclap at 11am by Esmeralda, sun is still burning, time for the first Köstritzer ;)

:: pics :: SLAUGHTERDAY ::

[BRT] It was up to the East Frisian Autopsy worshippers :: SLAUGHTERDAY :: to open the last festival day. And they did it great! Sure, the band isn't that uniquely fucked up and way-out as the men around Chris Reifert. But when it comes to sick leads, unexpected full breakings and diversified songwriting, the 5-head band, grown from a duo, did excellent homework. More of this!
[Dajana] I found the Köstritzer… erm… SLAUGHTERDAY backdrop killer! What a freakin' idea! Oh, need a beer. Let's go to the bar.
[BRT] Hahaha, yes, I almost forgot the backdrop. Great idea, even a better realization. Fucking awesome!

:: pics :: PURGATORY ::

[Dajana] Yes, I have seen :: PURGATORY ::. Yes, I took photos of them. And yes, I think, they were great. The fact that jack-of-all-trades Wolfgang Rothbauer does his magic in the band since 2020 makes them likable. And though, they did not leave a deeper impression. Must have been the early beer that deleted that special partition…
[BRT] I know that feeling. Dunno if there were holes in my head, temporary amnesia or alien-thought-erasure… I can't remember some bands, if they were there, where I was or what I did… Hail Köstritzer!

:: pics :: PANZERFAUST ::

[Dajana] I have to say, it's the first time I see :: PANZERFAUST :: playing live. Otherwise I would have remembered the mud lemmings ;) Where did they get all the mud from? There was nothing around the airfield.
Musically, I found PANZERFAUST appealing, at least the new album, The Suns Of Perdition - Chapter III: The Astral Drain, I already had on my desk. By the way, right after PSOA, the band played in my hometown. Unfortunately, I had to work.
[BRT] I like their records; live they did not enthrall me. Might have been due to the sound, which was suboptimal farther back.
[Öko] I agree with BRT. Albums top, live… well… to say "flop" would be too exaggerated.
[Seb] The question about the mud I can answer: Back then I had a nice chat with the guys at another festival and they claimed that they stocked up a large quantity on mud on the battlefield of Verdun. They sounded serious. Their enthusiasm for subjects of war doesn’t make it absurd either.
Musically I agree too: Nothing more than a solid show with a slightly suffering sound due to a moderate breeze. But it was still early on this third festival day…

:: pics :: NUNSLAUGHTER ::

[Dajana] Anytime between Purgatory and Panzerfaust I ran into a glittering fairy, which instantly marked me as one of their own. And so I nonchalantly slid on my glittering tail into the catacombs of the nun slaughterers. Glitter would have become them well too ;)
I remember :: NUNSLAUGHTER :: but didn't hear from them or didn't deal with them for ages. By the way, they celebrate their 35th anniversary by now. Wow! Didn't know that they around for such a long time either. Eye catcher surely was "new" drummer Wrath (Joe Lowrie – RIP Jim Sadist), who offered a noticeable repertoire of mops and mows.
[BRT] I’m afraid, I missed them mostly. Nothing I'd play back home but one week later, in Belgium, I got quite a positive and entertaining impression of them.
[Seb] I always wanted to see NUNSLAUGHTER. They are around for ages and probably have made a split with every other band from the United States of A. Their output adds up to insane 213 releases, whereas there are only 5 full-length records but, among others, 10 demos, 47 EPs and 72 splits. I wouldn't wonder if that is a record.
Having started as a Death Metal band, they now play a filthy hybrid of US kind of Death, Thrash and Black Metal. And yes, I have to admit, it was fun watching them. Both "singers" were in best mood (and most of all didn't sound equal), and indeed have the perfect sound for what they call „songs to Satan“. I don't know much of their unmanageable work, so I cannot say from era they played songs. I best kept in mind: Satanic Slut, She Lives By Night (Goat), Church Bizarre and of course the final Smell The Burning Churches from the 2007 album Hex. Great show!

:: pics :: SAOR ::

BRT] I probably would like :: SAOR :: on a record. Live, the melodic folky Black Metal did not work for me. The band hardly moved, didn't look special and didn't radiate anything. Accordingly, my attention and interest declined faster as I could say "beer". Probably a pity. [Seb] I have shown good will and watched the first songs in front of stage but I agree with BRT, they came across poorly. To enjoy them with closed eyes and lying the PSOA is somehow the wrong place. I already know this "feeling" when other so called solo projects went on tour. I can't exactly describe what's different but I then miss a certain indefinable something that bands, playing together for many years, own. So I went to the back, sat down and relaxed my feet…

[BRT] Anytime in the afternoon the first clouds appeared and gave our overheated heads some rest.
[Dajana] Thanks Satan. There have been moments this weekend where my brain felt like deep-fried and that was NOT due to the Köstritzer…

:: pics :: FLESHCRAWL ::

[Dajana] I guess it's not wrong to say that :: FLESHCRAWL :: delivered the most emotional show of the festival. Two big posters remembered the of singer Sven „Svenson“ Gross, who lost his fight with cancer in June 2021 at the age of 45, and left a huge gap within the band and their fans.
Hungarian singer Borisz Sarafutgyinov, who temporarily replaced Sven during his illness, was meanwhile promoted as the band's official new singer – a challenging job and legacy as the feedback by the crowd has shown.
[BRT] FLESHCRAWL are probably one of the oldest Death Metal bands in Germany. Even if drummer Bastian Herzog is the only original member left, the band was much welcome on every stage around the country. Of course, this year's appearance at PSOA was full of homage and obeisance to the band's late singer. Musically it's still HM2 Death Metal the Swedish way with proper punch'n'power. And the guys are extremely likeable.
[Seb] FLESHCRAWL I have seen last time in the early 2000s. From the line-up back then is only left, as BRT already mentioned. Though, the show was and sounded the way I remember. The new singer did really a great job, knowing that he cannot replace Sven 1:1, which surely wasn't his aspiration either. Old smashers like Flesh, Bloody Flesh and Soulskinner reminded me quickly, why I have seen them so often in the past. The still stunning As Blood Rains From The Sky from the 2000 album Blood Rains From The Sky... We Walk The Path Of Endless Fire was specially dedicated to Sven and a very emotional closure of the set.
Of course, the band was traumatized and torn after the tragedy and disbanded but meanwhile they are happy that they decided to continue, as drummer and singer told me in the evening. They are thankful for every support and, against all odds due to the line-up changes, the show was great and would have deserved many more people in the pit.

[Seb] :: MANEGARM :: have been there too ;-)
[Dajana] I haven't… see Heidevolk…
[BRT] Eh? Oh… well… ok. Did listen to them afterwards and got what I expected: Viking/Pagan metal, solid, and without embarrassing humptataa. Not bad actually, but I think, bands such as Moonsorrow and Havukruunu have already worked up that genre musically.


Fotos © Nova Rizal & Metal Breeding

[BRT] :: BLOOD INCANTATION :: are one of the best live bands of the recent years, when it comes to Death Metal. They most recently proved that at Junkyard in Dortmund. Their crazy psychedelic-progressive-astronaut-alien-Death-Metal (something like that) was pure joy again. Some things that sound like integral calculus on their records made sense live on stage. Really, really, really great!
[Öko] "Let’s first jump on stage and check their passports, if the nerdy and normal looking guys are BLOOD INCANTATION!" Yes, they are! To my luck. Otherwise, I would have missed an outstanding show! I need to see them again. In a club at best.

[Seb] :: EÏS:: was the only band I fully watched in the tent. I was a bit surprised to see them here as I have seen at least two "final shows" during the last years. But because EÏS are one of my favorite live bands they might "break their word" as often as they want ;)
Surprisingly, it was the band's first ever show at PARTY SAN OPEN AIR, a case, singer Alboin laconically commented: "We are happy to play the PSOA that early in our career."
One might think that EÏS should have been granted with a slot on the mainstage. At least, the timing was good that only a few minutes were overlapping. And I have to admit, as soon as the temperature in the tent was tolerable, there was a much better sound to experience. As always, EÏS offered a technically perfect played best-of set of 22 years band history. The tent was crowded to overflowing and the band visibly touched by the people's feedback. They didn't expect so much love and encouragement by the fans. The setlist didn't leave anything to be desired. Especially Durch Lichtlose Tiefen (Galeere), Mann aus Stein (Wetterkreuz) and the final Stillstand und Heimkehr from the homonymous 2018 EP I would like to point out. Only bummer was that EÏS was playing for 40 minutes only, released by frenetic applause. I hope that it was not the first and last time, EÏS was playing the PARTY SAN.
Oh, and I'm officially worried because they didn't announce a final gig… hehe ;)

:: pics :: DARK FUNERAL ::

[Dajana] :: DARK FUNERAL :: I didn't see live for a long time. Might have been in 2006 last time… Musically I lost sight of them too. Weren't they put on hold?
[Seb] They once again changed their singer (that was 8 years ago, how time flies). The new one, Heljarmadr, was formerly screaming in Grá. But there was no break in the sense of "put on hold". Their last record was released in 2016 and till the evil C they were touring. Between 2017 and 2019 I have seen them at least 3 times.
[Dajana] Ok, ok. I anyway had no expectations towards the show and was (perhaps just therefore) really surprised. In a good way. I absolutely didn't expect such mighty and powerful show. Next to Lord Ahriman and Chaq Mol there were all new faces. The makeover obviously did them well. The old geezers really had fun on stage. Yeah, that was great!
[BRT] I have to admit the last two days took its toll and my perception meanwhile limited. What I know from DARK FUNERAL is little but that little I like
. My entry/exit was Secrets Of The Black Arts – don't ask me why. Live it was great, yes. I remember raw banging, a cool atmosphere and an outstanding drummer.
[Seb] Finally time for one of my all-time faves: DARK FUNERAL And what can I say? It was awesome! As always, when a band with such a back catalogue is allowed to play only for an hour, the main problem is how to please fans of the old material. And that's my only point of criticism. DARK FUNERAL focused too much on the last two records with Heljarmadr as the new singer. Classics such as The Black Winged Horde (*whines*) they have always played in the past have been left out. Though, the set was heavy as fuck and well mixed. Even newer and rather "easygoing" songs such as Where Shadows Forever Reign and the best track from the last record, Let The Devil In, absolutely killed it live. Irrelevant, though slightly confusing: the lighting did not follow the color scheme of the album covers. I always liked that.
[Dajana] With all the pink lights I'm curious how such DARK FUNERAL cover would look like… ;)
[Seb] Because I know the band well I can offer a full
Setlist: Unchain My Soul, The Arrival Of Satan's Empire, My Funeral,Leviathan, Open The Gates, When I’m Gone, The Secrets Of The Black Arts, Nail Them To The Cross, Let The Devil In, Where Shadows Forever Reign

:: pics :: BENEDICTION ::

[Dajana] Aaahhh, yes, yes YES! It's easy to say that :: BENEDICTION :: was THE unchallenged highlight of PARTY SAN OPEN AIR 2022. Mercilessly, the Brits steamrolled everything down to pieces with the highest amount of fun. And it was hot. Hot as hell. Wind and the massive use of pyros was likewise grilling band members and photographers. Regarding merchandise I failed. When I finally thought about to get me a tee, everything was sold out, except for XXXL dresses.
[BRT] BENEDICTION definitely wasn't to blame. Live they are always killer and great to experience every time. I don't know their records much and probably wouldn't play them back home… Tonight, the band was in best mood and delivered a hell of an awesome show but I almost fell asleep and gave in to gravity.
[Öko] Yes, yes and YES again!!! Best band of the entire festival. Those, who says anything to the contrary lie or are in league with Sabaton. I have to admit, I'm not a huge fan of their records (exceptions are the first both records, and, of course, the brand new one, Scriptures) but live I liked everything they did. The biggest part of this great experience had singer Dave Ingram but also hos mates convinced fully.
[Seb] I have not much to add. Back in the past, BENEDICTION was one of my early fave bands (and still is) and I could hardly await to see them live again with the one and only real BENEDICTION singer: Dave Ingram. Especially, since the new album is a fantastic piece of music. Nothing bad to say about Dave Hunt (who was specially honored with They Must Die Screaming, written by Hunt) but Ingram's voice is unique and can't be replaced.
Dave Ingram was in best mood and was joking between the songs (like: he is allowed to say „Skol“, because he lives in Denmark, and, regarding age he said in best Brummi slang: „I know we’re old, I had me hips done“… hehe). Much to my pleasure they played my old favorites Nightfear („a song I wrote when I was very young and afraid“) from the masterpiece Transcend The Rubicon, Jumping At Shadows from the likewise brilliant The Grand Leveller, as well as Subsconcious Terror from the homonymous album. Too bad they did not play Bow To None and Bleakhouse. But I would pay to see them on the road again playing Transcend The Rubicon in its entirety ;)
Yes, indeed, THE band and THE show of the PARTY SAN OPEN AIR 2022.

:: pics :: DISMEMBER ::

[Dajana] And here we are, at the end of the PARTY SAN OPEN AIR 2022 and the question: who is the better :: DISMEMBER :: band? ;) Good question. Let me start differently…
Founded back in 1988, DISMEMBER were once reckoned as style-defining in (Swedish) Death Metal. In 2011 the Swedes disbanded much to every fan’s regret. Shortly before the evil C the original line-up reunited, played sold out shows in Sweden and re-signed with Nuclear Blast, who want to re-release the band’s entire back catalogue. So far there are no news yet about a new album. Singer Matti Karki performed with one arm in plaster, but that didn’t narrow any bit of the show.
[Öko] I absolutely wanted to see DISMEMBER but had so much pains in my feet that I only listened to the last band of the festival, sitting, from the camp ground. Sounded pretty cool. Fans and band seemed to have fun too but I can’t really judge the show.
[Seb] It was a tough job for DISMEMBER - to top the Benediction show was hardly possible. I anyway was exhausted and still had to catch the shuttle. So, the 30-40 minutes of their show I saw I took to leisurely get down. Of course, it absolutely didn’t do justice to the show they delivered. There was still a huge crowd in front of the stage celebrating them and partying hard.


Stories © BRT, Öko, Seb, Dajana • Pics © Dajana & Dajana Winkel • Photography